Blessing for Earth-healers

February 9, 2011

We give thanks for all those who are moved,
in their lives, to heal and protect the earth,
in small ways and in large.
Blessings on the composters, the gardeners,
the breeders of worms and mushrooms, the soil-builders,
those who cleanse the waters and purify the air,
all those who clean up the messes others have made.
Blessings on those who defend trees and who plant trees,
who guard the forests and who renew the forests.
Blessings on those who learn to heal the grasslands
and renew the streams, on those who prevent erosion,
who restore the salmon and the fisheries,
who guard the healing herbs and who know the lore of the wild plants.
Blessings on those who heal the cities
and bring them alive again with excitement and creativity and love.
Gratitude and blessings to all who stand against greed,
who risk themselves, to those who have bled and been wounded,
and to those who have given their lives in service of the earth.

– excerpt from The Earth Path: Grounding Your Spirit in the Rhythms of Nature by Starhawk

One Response to “Blessing for Earth-healers”

  1. Suze said

    I love this!

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